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20241-至今,《Climate Smart Agriculture》青年编委








Agricultural Water Management》、《Frontiers in Plant Science》等国外学术期刊审稿人




















云顶国际-云顶国际娱乐 副教授


云顶国际-云顶国际娱乐 讲师






















[1] Ma Z, Zhu Y, Liu J, Li Y, Zhang J, Wen Y, Song L, Liang Y and Wang Z*. 2024. Multi-objective optimization of saline water irrigation in arid oasis regions: Integrating water-saving, salinity control, yield enhancement, and CO2 emission reduction for sustainable cotton production. Science of the Total Environment, 912: 169672. (SCI, IF=9.8)

[2] Ma Z, Liu J, Wen Y, Zhang J, Yin F, Guo L, Li W, He J, Ma J, Liang Y and Wang Z*. 2024. Optimizing cotton yield through appropriate irrigation water salinity: Coordinating above- and below-ground growth and enhancing photosynthetic capacity. European Journal of Agronomy, 154: 127095. (SCI, IF=5.2)

[3] Ma Z, Liu J, Zhang J, Yin F, Guo L, Wen Y, Song L, Zhu Y, Liang Y and Wang Z. 2024. Ultra-wide film mulching with moderate irrigation water salinity enhances cotton growth under drip irrigation in Xinjiang, China. Field Crops Research, 315: 109485. (SCI, IF=5.6)

[4] Zhou Z, Liu J, Zhang J, Li W, Wen Y, Chen R, Chen P, Li H, Gao X, Zhu Y and Wang Z. 2024. Combining magnetized water with biodegradable film mulching reshapes soil water-salt distribution and affects processing tomatoes' yield in the arid drip-irrigated field of Northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 303: 109021. (SCI, IF=5.9)

[5] Qin G, Liu J, Lin H, Javed T, Gao X, Tang Y, Mu X, Guo M and Wang Z. 2024. Assessing the Coordination and Spatial Equilibrium of Water, Energy, and Food Systems for Regional Socio-Economic Growth in the Ili River Valley, China. Agronomy, 14(9): 2037. (SCI, IF=3.3)

[6] Ma Z, Liu J, Wen Y, Li W, Zhu Y, Song L, Li Y, Liang Y and Wang Z*. 2024. Effects of Different Film Types on Cotton Growth and Yield under Drip Irrigation. Sustainability, 16(10): 4173. (SCI, IF=3.3)

[7]何静, 王振华*, 刘健, 马占利, 温越. 2024. 灌溉水温与施氮量对滴灌棉田土壤水热及棉花生长和产量的影响. 中国农业科学, 57(02): 319-335.

[8]赵露, 叶含春*, 王振华, 刘健, 吝海霞, 邹杰, 谭明东. 2024. 基于SHAW模型的北疆地区不同滴灌年限棉田冻融期土壤水热盐动态模拟研究. 土壤, 56(03): 623-638.

[9]张疏影, 张金珠*, 王振华, 温越, 刘健, 朱艳, 唐宇鹏. 2024. 不同水氮配施对北疆膜下滴灌棉花生长发育的影响. 排灌机械工程学报, 42(06): 641-648.

[10]谢忠, 叶含春*, 王振华, 李海强, 刘健, 陈睿, 许宇双. 2024. 浅埋滴灌水氮配施对冬小麦生长发育、产量及水分利用效率的影响. 新疆农业科学, 61(05): 1057-1066.

[11]吴梅, 张金珠*, 王振华, 刘健, 温越, 李宣志. 2024. 水气互作对膜下滴灌玉米生理生长及产量的影响. 中国农业科技导报, 26(08): 189-200.

[12]唐宇鹏, 雷雨*, 王振华, 宋利兵, 刘健, 郝天鹏, 张维克. 2024. 基于农业灌溉模式优化的白杨河流域用水结构预测分析. 水电能源科学, 42(03): 49-53.

[13]张维克, 吕德生*, 王振华, 宋利兵, 刘健, 郝天鹏, 唐宇鹏. 2024. 新疆白杨河流域河道内外生态需水的研究. 石河子大学学报(自然科学版), 42(02): 192-197.


[1] Wen Y, Wu X, Liu J*, Zhang J, Song L, Zhu Y, Li W and Wang Z*. 2023. Effects of drip irrigation timing and water temperature on soil conditions, cotton phenological period, and fiber quality under plastic film mulching. Agricultural Water Management, 287: 108435. (SCI, IF=6.7)

[2] Zhou Z, Jin J*, Liu J and Si Y. 2023. Covering rice demand in Southern China under decreasing cropping intensities and considering multiple climate and population scenarios. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 40: 13-29. (SCI, IF=12.1)

[3] Wen Y, Liu J, Zhang J, Li W, Ayantobo O O and Wang Z*. 2023. Effects of macro-plastics on soil hydrothermal environment, cotton yield, and fiber quality under mulched drip irrigation in the arid region of Northwest China. Field Crops Research, 302: 109060. (SCI, IF=5.8)

[4] Zhou Z, Jin J*, Liu J and Si Y. 2023. Optimizing the sowing window for direct-seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.) considering high yield and methane emissions in Central China. Agricultural Systems, 205: 103594. (SCI, IF=6.6)

[5] Wu X, Wang Z*, Guo L, Liu J, Dhital Y P, Zhu Y, Song L and Wen Y. 2023. Timing and water temperature of drip irrigation regulate cotton growth and yield under film mulching in arid areas of Xinjiang. J Sci Food Agric. (SCI, IF=4.1)

[6] 王振华*, 王菲, 吕德生, 刘健, 朱艳, 温越. 2023. 不同土质下灌水盐度对滴灌棉花生理及产量品质的影响. 农业工程学报, 39(24): 69-78.

[7]李宣志, 张金珠*, 王振华, 刘健 and 梁洪榜. 2023. 氮盐调控对膜下滴灌加工番茄光合特性及产量的影响. 华中农业大学学报, 42(05): 186-194.

[8]李宣志, 张金珠*, 王振华, 刘健, 谭明东. 2023. --盐耦合对滴灌加工番茄生长和产量的影响. 干旱地区农业研究, 41(04): 133-140.

[9]马怡璠, 吕德生*, 王振华, 李燕强, 刘健, 温越, 朱艳. 2023. 磁氮耦合对膜下滴灌加工番茄产量及水肥利用效率的影响. 干旱区研究, 40(11): 1855-1864.

[10]马占利, 王振华*, 刘健, 宋利兵, 温越, 谭明东, 梁永辉, 何静. 2023. 膜下滴灌配置模式对北疆地区棉花生长与产量的影响. 灌溉排水学报, 42(05): 9-15.

[11]李燕强, 王振华, 叶含春*, 宋利兵, 刘健, 温越, 武小荻. 2023. 灌溉水矿化度对棉田土壤呼吸速率的影响. 干旱区研究, 40(03): 392-402.

[12]王菲, 吕德生*, 王振华, 张金珠, 刘健, 温越, 秦程, 胡贵荣. 2023. 水盐耦合对滴灌棉花出苗率及苗期生长的影响. 节水灌溉(03): 91-97+105.


[1] Wen Y, Liu J, Dhital Y, Wu X, Song L, Zhu Y, Chen P, Li W and Wang Z*. 2022. Integrated effects of plastic film residues on cotton growth and field carbon sequestration under drip irrigation in arid oasis regions. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 339: 108131. (SCI, IF=6.6)

[2] Jian Liu, Jiming Jin*, and Guo-Yue Niu. 2021. Effects of Irrigation on Seasonal and Annual Temperature and Precipitation over China Simulated by the WRF Model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126: e2020JD034222. (SCI, IF=4.4)

[3] Tengcong Jiang #, Jian Liu#, Yujing Gao#, Zhe Sun, Shang Chen, Ning Yao, Haijiao Ma, Hao Feng, Qiang Yu, and Jianqiang He*. 2020. Simulation of plant height of winter wheat under soil Water stress using modified growth functions. Agricultural Water Management, 232: 106066. (SCI, IF=6.7, #contribute equally)

[4] Tengcong Jiang #, Zihe Dou#, Jian Liu#, Yujing Gao, Robert W. Malone, Shang Chen, Hao Feng, Qiang Yu, Guining Xue, and Jianqiang He*. 2020. Simulating the Influences of Soil Water Stress on Leaf Expansion and Senescence of Winter Wheat. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 291: 108061. (SCI, IF=6.2, #contribute equally)

[5] 刘健, 姚宁, 吝海霞, 周元刚, 吴淑芳, 冯浩, 张体彬, 白江平和何建强*. 2016. 冬小麦物候期对土壤水分胁迫的响应机制与模拟. 农业工程学报, 32(21): 115-124.

[6] Ma, Xiaogang, Jiming Jin*, Jian Liu, and Guo-Yue Niu. 2019. An improved vegetation emissivity scheme for land surface modeling and its impact on snow cover simulations. Climate Dynamics, 53: 6215-26. (SCI, IF=4.6)

[7] Yao, Ning, Yi Li, Fang Xu, Jian Liu, Shang Chen, Haijiao Ma, Henry Wai Chau, De Li Liu, Meng Li, Hao Feng, Qiang Yu, and Jianqiang He*. 2020. Permanent wilting point plays an important role in simulating winter wheat growth under water deficit conditions. Agricultural Water Management, 229. (SCI, IF=6.7)

[8] Lin, H., Li, N., Li, Y*., Liu, H., Liu, J., Li, L., et al. 2021. Quantitative Analysis of Winter Wheat Growth and Yields Responding to Climate Change in Xinjiang, China. Water, 13(24), 3624. SCI, IF=3.4

[9] Ma, Xiaogang, Jiming Jin*, Lingjing Zhu, and Jian Liu. 2021. Evaluating and improving simulations of diurnal variation in land surface temperature with the Community Land Model for the Tibetan Plateau. PeerJ, 9: e11040. (SCI, IF=2.7)

[10] 杨涛, 刘健, 金继明. * 2020. 塔里木盆地灌溉对局地干旱气候影响的数值模拟研究. 节水灌溉(05): 83-87+92.

[11] 王灵猛, 周泽羽, 刘健, 金继明*.2021. 气候变化下新疆棉花调亏灌溉的节水效果评估. 节水灌溉(06), 17-23+30.

[12] 周元刚, 李华龙, 蒋腾聪, 窦子荷, 刘健, 吴淑芳, 冯浩, 张体彬, 何建强*. 2016. 夏玉米叶片形状系数的时间和空间变异. 中国农业科学, 49(23): 4520-4530.

[13] 姚宁, 周元刚, 宋利兵, 刘健, 李毅, 吴淑芳, 冯浩, 何建强*. 2015. 不同水分胁迫条件下DSSAT-CERES-Wheat模型的调参与验证. 农业工程学报, 31(12): 138-150.

[14] 姚宁, 宋利兵, 刘健, 冯浩, 吴淑芳, 何建强*. 2015. 不同生长阶段水分胁迫对旱区冬小麦生长发育和产量的影响. 中国农业科学, 48(12): 2379-2389.



[1]聚焦寒旱区水利建设需求、培养新时代戍边人才——云顶国际-云顶国际娱乐 实践育人成果,第三届水利德育教育优秀成果三等奖,中国水利教育协会,2023.07 5/6

[2]第三届全国高校教师教学创新大赛兵团赛区二等奖,新疆生产建设兵团教育局,2023.03 3/4

[3]石河子大学首届兵团精神育人课程思政和思政课程教学案例大赛一等奖,石河子大学,2023.05 3/4

[4]石河子大学第三届教师教学创新大赛一等奖,石河子大学教师发展中心,2023.01 3/4

[5]新时代边疆高校实践育人模式探索与应用——以云顶国际-云顶国际娱乐 为例,第二届水利院校德育教育优秀成果二等奖,中国水利教育协会,2021.12 6/6




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